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Tidbit Tuesday #141

Insanity update, y’all! You see, if I don’t update the world on how horribly I’m sucking at this, I won’t have any accountability… For the next eight weeks, please bare with me. :) I have now completed seven days of intense circuit training. And it is kicking my BUTT. Never before have I sweat this much. With every drop I feel, I swear there’s a bug crawling on me. Because really – that COULDN’T be sweat, could it?! I started out almostly completely unable to do high-knees, power jumps, squat kicks, or girl push-ups. Now I can do all of those things. (Yes, I’m bragging about girl push-ups…) I guess I’m not sucking as bad as I thought!

As you hopefully didn’t notice, I just said “y’all.” I know I write it a lot. But in real life? I’m scared to say it. I’m scared that I’ll be labeled a fraud. I’m a Yankee, people! But with the encouragement of so many lovely Texan friends, I have officially been given permission to y’all it up BIG time. Get ready, Colorado. Because when we visit you, you WILL be hearing some good old fashioned y’alling, y’all hear? H-town represent.

We. get. our. COUCH. this morning!! The same couch we ordered three veeery long months ago… Oh friends, this is going to be like Christmas times a million. Except I’m hoping and praying I like it! It’s hard going into a furniture store and seeing a white sectional that you decide to order in a completely different color. Dylan is for SURE praying I’ll love it. Because I tend to be quite finicky. He said just the other day that “We’re three months in! I guess that means it’s time for you to throw out our new house.” Oh, come on! I’m not THAT bad. :)

Song of the Week: Chasing Pavements by Adele. This song choice may or may not have been influenced by the premiere of Glee season four (which, by the way, I didn’t enjoy very much. I am NOT good with change. Even if it’s make-believe change…). Either way, I have been ushered into yet another phase of blissful obsession with Adele. Which makes me a happy, happy girl.  Listen to this oft-looked-over gem HERE!!

This week’s going to be a two-fer! First, we’ll re-familiarize ourselves with Randi and Curtis’s pretty faces. And then I’ll show you a family session I’m dyyying over. Until then, here’s what the past few weeks of life have looked like in the Morrissey household. Follow the rest of my Instagrams by searching for @alysefrench. :)

Happy Tuesday!!

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