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Tidbit Tuesday #10

Buckle up for the tenth installment of Tidbit Tuesday, a weekly blog post that forces you to listen to all of my random, silly, and fun thoughts and experiences!

For starters, I’m pretty much completely convinced that chapstick only exists to make head honcho chapstick companies heaps and heaps of money! (Is there such a thing as a head honcho chapstick company??) Seriously though, I’m convinced that chapstick only exists to make my lips even dryer so that I’ll keep buying it for the very short-lived relief it brings. Hmph.

Songs of the week: Fireflies by Owl City. Not sure what’s happening to my musical likes. But I totally dig this song! Also! Check out the ever-incredible Barnaby Bright. This husband/wife duo has more talent in both of their pinky toe nails than most people have in their entire bodies. Their song “Yellow Moon” has become one of my current obsessions.

Today marks a week since the completely devastating earthquake in Haiti overwhelmed the Richter scale, and my heart has been broken for all the children-less parents and parent-less children who now abound there. I have to be honest that in the first hours of the aftermath, I was skeptical of all of the “text this word to this number to donate this amount of money” messages all over the internet. But texting HAITI to 90999 insures that $10 will go from your pocket directly to the Red Cross to help with Haiti earthquake relief. Over $20 million has been raised so far through this effort alone. After the initial text, you will get a reply asking for confirmation, and shortly after you should be able to see $10 charged to your cell phone bill. It’s a no-brainer way to make an impact and help the hungry, thirsty, and buried alive. Do it.

So this semester, I’m forcing myself into a legit routine. For health and sanity’s sake. My goals: Wake up at 8, read my bible at 8:15, eat breakfast at 9. Lunch at 11:30. Go to class/work and do not stress out about the little things. (I’ve never been very good at that.) Workout at 4. Eat at 6. Be in bed by 11. And start all over again!

If any of you remember from last week’s Tidbit Tuesday, Dylan and I went to see Avatar in 3D in an IMAX theatre this past Saturday. The animation was incredible. The plot wasn’t as bad as a lot of people said it was. And Dylan even let me bite his hand when I got scared. Overall a fun time. Until I woke up the next morning. As soon as I got up, I was running into things and wobbling all over the place. I’ve never been so dizzy in my life. Add a bit of nausea into the mix and you’ve got one long and super great day. Not. It lasted until mid-yesterday, totalling about 36 hours of post Avatar ickyness. At first, I thought it must have been some sort of really odd virus, completely forgetting how screwed up my eyes get from 3D movies. But then I googled “3D dizzy” and “avatar imax 3d dizzy” autofilled. Apparently, I’m not alone.

My mom will say it to me at least once a day when I’m home. “Take off your coat and stay a while!” I am constantly freezing, so I’ll leave my coat on all day much of the time. It only just hit me the other day that that isn’t entirely normal. :)

On a similar note, I’ve found that I am much more productive when I’m wearing my boots. Don’t ask me why. Just am! So I like to wear my boots. And subsequently look insanely stylish. All the time. ;)

Today is a day I never thought would come. It is my first last day of classes. (!!!) It’s hard to wrap my mind around how fast the past four years have gone! But I’m very, very glad it has! Today kicks off with some good ol’ social psychology at 12:30. Tomorrow is complete with a little intro to historical archeology and drugs and human behavior (interesting combo, eh?). And my week finishes off with picture/multimedia editing. A fairly odd mix of classes, isn’t it?

Lastly, I’ve been having a lot of fun with recently, a place where anyone can visit and ask you random anonymous questions. There have been some pretty interesting ones so far. ;) So to get in on the action, click here:

I’ll leave you with one of the headshots I was privileged to take of author Frank Meredith a couple short weeks ago. Frank’s novel, “The Unfinished Work” is a ingenious work of historical fiction and is available at Amazon by clicking HERE.

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  • January 19, 2010 - 2:50 PM

    jessica guzman - note to the chapstick people:

    Dear chapstick people:

    I do not like you. you are cruel much like a bag of doritos or a package of oreos. it is my belief that you all work together and place some chemical that produces a stange need to use you or eat you over and over and over again…all the while, knowing that the initial moment of lovely relief/pleasure will be just that…a moment…and then the addictive cycle begins all over again…knowing that attached will be the torture of an extra pound or screaming dry lips, but i take you out and put you back on again…or eat an entire sleeve of you. so, today i write you to tell you this..WE ARE THROUGH. THIS RELATIONSHIP IS OVER! We will rondeveau no more! for I am now a beloved friends of Burt, Carmex and Vaseline…they treat me better!

    Farewell chapstick. You are no longer part of my cool crowd!


  • January 26, 2010 - 8:22 AM

    Jessica Z - Alyse, yet again we have the same thoughts, this time dealing with chapstick and “Fireflies” by Owl City. Oh and ps- I have their CD if you want me to send it to you!

  • August 16, 2011 - 7:30 AM

    Tidbit Tuesday #88 | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] Pam and I went to see Glee 3D. And let me tell you, although 3D has the propensity to totally SCREW me up when coupled with the wonder of IMAX, good ol’, regular, plain 3D just blows me away. I could […]