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To Cam!!

Over 15,000 of the world’s brightest apply each year. Only 10% actually get in. Oh wait, make that 9.7% this year.

Stop. And just try to wrap your mind around those numbers. Cruh-AZY..

Pause. And let me tell you a story..

Rewind to Saturday night. And then a little further.. To when you were a kid trying to sleep on Christmas Eve. Pretty near impossible, right? Well, the same goes for Saturday night. I wake up every few hours with the nervous realization that we will finally know come 2PM tomorrow. We will finally hear MIT‘s verdict.

I think to myself, “I can only imagine how Cam is sleeping..”

Fast forward to Sunday at 1:55PM. Our family (minus Cam) huddles in the living room. (Okay, not a literal huddle, but that would make for a much cooler story, right?) My stomach is in knots, and has been since last night. I rock back and forth like someone straight out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. I don’t know.. Just helps I guess. :)

Mom says “Why 2PM? Why can’t we find out just a few minutes before?”

All of a sudden, a voice from the other room. Cam’s voice. We hear his words, but can’t quite decipher his tone. “Oh. My. Gosh.”

The living room goes completely silent. Until I, the loud mouth that I am, scream “CAM?! WHYYY?!” I look over at Lorae, who looks through the doorway at Cam, who gives her a thumbs up. Lorae flashes the hugest smile I’ve ever seen, and we finally know.

Fast forward 2 seconds later..

Now Cam just has to hear back from Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, and Columbia, and then choose between those and the three schools already vying for him – MIT, RPI, and Stony Brook.

And now I’ll take your questions. 1) No, I’m not kidding. 2) Yes, Cam is a freaking genius.

The End. :)

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  • March 20, 2010 - 7:23 AM

    Lorae - To Cam!!!!

  • March 20, 2010 - 8:25 PM

    Mom - to cam!