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The earth shook and the rocks split.

Yesterday, it was 78 degrees in Syracuse, NY. Yesterday, it was 78 degrees in Syracuse, NY. Yes, I just said that twice. I still can’t believe it.. The grass was green. Really, really green. The SU quad was a buzz of frisbee, sunbathers, and me, complete with my sundress, stunna shades, Jesus sandals (aka, gladiators), and green tea frappuccino, always with whipped cream. And how could I forget about the bugs, or the massive, harry spider that crawled into my lap without my knowing it??

It was a perfect afternoon to soak up God’s word in the sun. Let me go out on a very big and probably familiar limb and confess, I don’t read God’s word as much as I’d like. I sat underneath the shade of a giant oak tree (Look at me all, “I know my trees”… Ha!) and struggled with where to begin. “God, show me what to read.” “Hey, Alyse, it’s Good Friday!! Why don’t you remind yourself of the reality of this day! :)” Yes, that’s exactly what He said.

While reading through Matthew, I became frustrated with my inability to feel – to emotionally respond to the life changing words in front of me. But this isn’t a new issue for me, and it doesn’t help that I’m a girl. ;) I am constantly searching the depths of my mind and heart for some sort of emotional response. It’s how I supposedly “know” how close I am to God. Right? WRONG, Alyse…

As I gave up on feeling, and continued reading, I was hit with an amazing reality that the story I was reading was, and IS, reality. It wasn’t just some story we’ve all documented on felt boards back in our Sunday-school days. It was as real as the soft wind sweeping across the quad. As real as the bugs I flicked off my arm. My leg. My arm. My leg. It was, and is, fact. Just like Barcelona streaming through my ears. And the hoards of student prospects walking around campus on one of the two beautifully-misleading days in Syracuse. And it was when this reality hit me, that the feeling happened. Good thing I was wearing my sunglasses.. And bad thing I had done my makeup all purty-like.

Praying your Easter is marked by the sheer reality of what Jesus did for you.

“At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split.” Matthew 27:51

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  • April 3, 2010 - 2:25 PM

    Noël - LOVE THE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • April 4, 2010 - 3:11 PM

    Nicole - Thank you for your testimony.

    And God bless you on this wonderful Easter.