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Tidbit Tuesday #44

I’m pretty hardcore when it comes to food consumption. Please tell me I’m not the only one who spends about 15 seconds (which is a long time given what I’m about to say..) to analyze which size eating utensil to use. Case in point: If I have a pint of raspberry vanilla swirl gelato, would I use a small spoon to make it last longer, or a larger spoon to get as much of that fruity goodness into one scoop as possible? It’s a tough call, but someone has to do it! ;)

I love my moleskin. Besides holding all of my most random thoughts (similar to this blog post), it makes me feel like a pro-hiker or camper or something. What I’m saying is, it makes me feel cooler than I really am…

Last Friday, Dylan surprised me with a “I think we should get you a little friend to keep you company while I’m traveling.” For real? For real! He had a fish in mind. And of course, I had a chinchilla or a ferret or a bunny rabbit in MY mind. As the story goes, I came home from PETCO with a fantailed goldfish I’d named Atticus Fish. (HOLLA if you got the To Kill a Mockingbird reference!) He was with us all but two hours before he went home to fish heaven. Has anyone else had a fish die from the obvious and sheer trauma of changing tanks? R.I.P., Atty. I loved you, you know.

So you know when you wake up in the middle of the night, thirsty out of your mind? And then, without thinking, you gulp down a full 8oz. of Diet Dr. Pepper? With CAFFEINE? Yeah, that was me last night.

Song of the week: Blogpost by Paul and the Patients. Dylan often calls me “commercial head.” As in, I literally know all the words to all the little jingles on television. So when I hear a song used in a commercial that I like, I Google it. Unfortunately, the ratio of real songs to songs solely written for the commercial they star in is pretty depressing. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to buy the song from that Verizon or Nationwide or Tide commercial, only to realize, it’s all a fraud. Blogspot, however, is the real deal! Thank you Target, for introducing me to this week’s very fitting song title. :)

It’s October 12th, and the high for Houston is 90 degrees. Upstate NY has a high of 59 degrees. I feel like I’m cheating. But I love it!

This week’s photographer spotlight isn’t on a photographer. It’s on a videographer. Actually, a whole team of videographers. Shade Tree Films is based out of Redlands, CA, and I simply cannot get enough of them. I always struggle with the proper words to express the talent and absolute brilliance of a fellow artist. And this may be the biggest struggle ever. I have such immense respect for those who can tell a complete story without using any words of their own. Shade Tree Films leaves my face sopping wet with every engagement or wedding film they produce, without ever having met the featured couples. Their art elicits such a strong emotional response, and that alone is a testament to their gifts as storytellers.

I leave you with a sneak peek of Thursday’s post, Randi and Curtis’s intimate Sam Houston Park wedding. I blame the lateness of this post on trying to choose just two images from their day. I can’t WAIT to share the rest! Be prepared for a looong one, Internet. :)

Happy Tuesday!

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  • October 12, 2010 - 2:25 PM

    Nancy - HOLLA on the Mockingbird reference!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that novel and teach it every year. I still cry when Atticus walks down the aisle of the courtroom and the Negroes stand. I cry when Scout says “Hey Boo” and I ball my eyes out when she walks him home and says “Boo gave us soap dolls, a ball of twine…and our lives.” (pardon the paraphrase). The ALL TIME BEST NOVEL EVER WRITTEN!!

    Now onto the fish…. I once had SEVEN fish die in a very short time. I was buying them two at at a time so they had company. A friend finally pointed out maybe I should only kill one at a time. LOL When I debated where to put the bowl for the last little guy, she said “How about the back of the toilet so you don’t have to walk?” It was a sad time in my life. :-(

    Love your bloogity and your photos Alyse!!!


  • October 13, 2010 - 12:40 PM

    Noël - (HOLLA on the Mockingbird reference!)Great name! Sorry about your fish☻

  • October 13, 2010 - 2:17 PM

    Abbey - To Kill A Mockingbird is the best book ever! :) I’m sorry about your fishy. I too had a fish that lasted no more than 24 hours.
    :( R.I.P. Atticus Fish.

    P.S. I get excited on Tuesdays cause I know you’re gonna have a news blog post. :)

  • October 13, 2010 - 3:31 PM

    Pete - Holla.
    I feel your pain Alyse. I had six Betta fish, despite many of them dying from my brother, Josh, not feeding them, they were all named Josh. I kind of enjoy commercial songs too.