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Growing Into It.

I staggered down Main’s ungodly steep sidewalk, high kneeing all the way so as not to trip over the uneven and crumbling slabs of concrete that lay out before me on my walk home from school.. Arching my body backward so as not to fall flat on my face. Although that part wasn’t too hard.. I was the goody two-shoes who brought home next week’s homework. My backpack was compensation enough. I was eight years old. In the second grade.

I walked through our front door, flung down my Lisa Frank folders. And binders. And pencils. And really, anything I could get with those incredibly gaudy yet somehow irresistible glitter and rainbow-clad unicorns on it. I found mom in the kitchen, preparing me an after-school snack. Oh, how I loved her for my after-school snacks. I threw myself at her. And cried. And cried. And cried. And couldn’t stop crying. I was too tall.

We sat at our kitchenette table for two. It was one of those chrome and vinyl combos. White, and peeling at the corners. I picked at the bits, and explained… “They called me Jolly Green Giant today. The kids at school..” Why was I always a foot taller than everyone else? Why was it that Sarah, the tallest third grader, was never made fun of the way I was? And why were kids so mean? I never made fun of them for being so short! Mom consoled me the best she could. Partly with brownies. Mostly by just being there. But that day stuck with me..

You see, because of my complex about my height, I’d never owned a legit pair of heels. Let me rephrase that: I was a GIRL who NEVER owned a pair of heels. And until very recently, my shoe-drobe consisted of all flats. Because although I’m now only a little over average, why would I want to make myself any taller? But then my line of work got to me. All these brides all fancy with their shoes? It was about time that my confidence grew into my height. It was about time for black leather Mary Jane pumps with wooden heels. And these are them. :)

Yes, I may be a Jolly Green Giant. But at least I’m lookin’ fly.

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  • October 17, 2010 - 7:48 AM

    Breanna - Awww Alyse! Thats a sad story, for the record i didn’t call you a Jolly Green Giant. Secondly, your shoes are So cute!!!

  • October 17, 2010 - 7:53 AM

    Sarah - I don’t know which I like more, the shoes or the chair they are placed on! Gorgeous (to both)!

  • October 17, 2010 - 7:55 AM

    Frenchie - I totally hear you ! I’ve always been tall too, even at a young age but my mom always told me this was not a reason why i should not wear heels ! And so I did ! Tall girls should wear heels if they feel like it (and so should smaller people …if they feel like it !)

  • October 17, 2010 - 9:19 AM

    Heather - I too recently bought my first pair of legit heels! 2 & 3/4 in tall brown leather boots! we look beautiful up in the clouds!

  • October 18, 2010 - 9:04 AM

    Amber Jacoby - Oh Alyse I am was so there! STILL am! I do not own a pair of heels but I just shot a wedding this weekend that left me aching for a pair of real adorable heels. I am still suffering from the thought of walking above everyone around me!

  • October 18, 2010 - 11:06 AM

    lorae - i know how momentous this is cled :) i love them. and i love you.

  • October 19, 2010 - 10:25 AM

    jessica - oh how commanding and beautiful you must look with those heels on! breathtaking really!! i am glad you bought a pair…and a GREAT pair at that!!

  • October 19, 2010 - 2:55 PM

    Randi-Michelle - Um, is that chair IN YOUR HOME? Goodness you have unbelievable taste! And next time, for your shoe-addict followers, you must give the details of the shoes and provide the appropriate link like you do for all your other tidbits!

  • October 21, 2010 - 6:59 PM

    Kate D - I’m barely what is considered ‘tall’, and i have issues with heels. Lately though i’ve been braving-up (i bet you won’t find that in the dictionary), and wearing some cute heeled cowboy boots. and since i’m president of my class i’m working the black pumps. and everytime i think “ehhh i look too tall” I think of you.. and how you’re stinkin gorgeeeeous. and on the taller side of life. and it makes me feel good about my height. haha. and i’m not even that tallll. lol

  • November 4, 2011 - 8:57 AM

    Dolce Seaview Resort Wedding: Lindsay & Jared | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] was in the 7th grade… An awkwardly-tall 13-year-old who won the middle school science fair by creating a topographic “map in a […]