Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Tidbit Tuesday #59

The past two days have been some of the most productive in my. entire. life. Well… Productive in the sense that I’ve accomplished everything on my to-do list except blogging at my usual scheduled hour. My apologies, friends. I’ll have to make up for it by being extra random. :)

If you’re an old patron of this blog or my website, then you’re already familiar with my undying love for green tea frappuccinos with whipped cream. Always whipped cream. Well it came to my attention the other day while sipping said frap, that I must look absolutely ridiculous. Because you see.. In order to fully enjoy your beverage of choice when nearing those last few drops at the bottom of your cup, you have no choice but to exhale every last bit of breath from your entire being, and thereby suck back in every last bit. It’s a science, really…

Why do cell phones always appear to come crashing to the ground in slow motion? It’s a phenomenon that never ceases to blow me away. Like just now…

Every morning I drive down Louisiana St. and drop Dylan off at work. I then circle around and take Smith all the way home. Monotonous? Perhaps. But my all-time favorite part of these daily trips is smelling what fabulous aroma is coming from the Crowne Plaza Hotel kitchen each morning. One day, I smelled chicken noodle soup for a span of five entire blocks. And the next day? Chicken noodle soup AGAIN. Then I was all, “Seriously, Crowne Plaza? I need something new!”

Dylan likes to make fun of me… A lot. But, to his defense, I’m extremely make-fun-erable. The most recent episode happened when I complained of acid reflux. To which he responded, “No. You have heartburn. Acid reflux is a condition.” FINE. I get it. A day later, I told him I had shooting pains in my back… To which he responded, “Don’t you mean cancer bolts?” (He thinks I exaggerate.)

This weekend, we decided to explore the Heights district of Houston a little more, and to my pleasant surprise, we discovered the most darling little shop called Jubilee. It’s Anthropologie meets Antiques Roadshow, at a crazy reasonable price. And their branding is SO spot on. Check them out *HERE*!!

Song of the Week: My Own Two Feet by Caleb Hawley. As in, the guy who Steve Tyler practically sung a duet with on American Idol‘s premier last week. We’ve been fortunate to follow Caleb‘s work for a couple years now, as he performed/worked alongside my sister at the New York Songwriter Circle in NYC. We are ridiculously stoked to see Caleb wooing the judges of AI and the hearts of so many who’ve now heard his incredible voice.

Our little Sully is now three pounds heavier than when we first brought him home. As in, he’s grown THIRTY percent in the last two weeks. It makes me a little sad, but also super excited to see how he’ll look as an adult. And since pictures make blog posts so much more awesome, here’s a shot of Sully’s pops, Bentley, whom we met a few weeks ago. Can you see the family resemblance? They are literally mirror images of each other. And Dylan? Well, he’s just cute. :)

Also! An FAQ post is in the works for Thursday. So if you’ve got questions, hit me up in the comment section! (And it doesn’t have to pertain to photography.. It could totally be about proper frap drinking technique. But, that might be redundant..) :) Happy Tuesday!

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  • January 25, 2011 - 3:24 PM

    Breanna - I just love your blogs. They really do make my Tuesday, and don’t worry Ben thinks i tend to exaggerate a little too. :-) Miss ya!

  • January 25, 2011 - 6:20 PM

    Maniya - Hey, Green Tea Fraps are my fav too. I blame you, you’re the one who got me hooked in the first place lol when we were hiding out from “the Cult.” Whipped Cream is a must and so is the Raspberry syrup. It’s just purely divine:)

  • January 26, 2011 - 12:54 PM

    Noël - To ADORABLE!!!!!!!:)

  • January 27, 2011 - 3:13 PM

    Aimee - My cousin is meeting you this Sunday at Starbucks for a wedding consult. I told her to keep an eye out the green tea frap since I read it on your blog. Lol. Also I’d ask if you were bringing the pup alone. He’s so stinkin cute.

  • January 27, 2011 - 8:59 PM

    Alyse - @Aimee – You are TOO funny. Just wrote Chrissy, and Sully is totally coming along. You should too! :)