Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Tidbit Tuesday #70

He tells me it has caffeine. That I shouldn’t have it because it’s already 10:30PM and he’s three blinks away from the best REM cycle of his life. Apparently, my late night Fanta drinking bothers Dylan. Because on any given night, Dylan crawls into bed at 10PM, and I JUMP into bed immediately after. It’s not because I’m at all tired. But because I just like being near him. And because I like keeping him awake with my sing-song original poetry and super deep questions about the meaning of life. To add Fanta into the equation? Well, he would just LOVE that. Love.

Speaking of.. Last night, while trying to sugar-down, I spent some time with Calvin & Hobbes. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Hobbes is Calvin’s stuffed tiger who is basically human to Calvin, but just a stuffed tiger to everyone else. Which reminded me of my stuffed bear, Jesus, from many many years ago. I hugged Jesus when I was scared. And when I thought the wicked witch of the west would grab my ankles if I didn’t jump on my bed quickly enough. Don’t hate.

This past weekend, we shot our first ever doubleheader wedding weekend. I cannot tell you the amount of stress I’ve had leading up to this weekend. Any wedding photographer can tell you how incapacitated they are for up to 24 hours after a wedding. Your body is completely shot. So TWO weddings? In TWO days? That sounded pure cuh-raaazy. But I can now thankfully say, by the sheer grace of God and my increased number of gym visits, I have survived! And our amazing couples were SO worth it. As were the cakes. :)

Yesterday, I broke down. About my hair. And about how it’s not growing long enough, fast enough. Dylan calls it “spiraling.” You know, when one thing upsets you, like your hair, and then it turns into the fact that all the girls at yesterdays wedding had killer heels and dresses and super long flowing locks and you don’t? All I can say after that episode, is thank you God for giving me a man who loves me despite myself and can laugh with me after the fact.

Photographer Spotlight: Our darling friend Amber Jacoby. Suffice it to say, we’ve been email buddies for a little over a year now, but hadn’t met face to face until this past Thursday when Amber made her first ever trip to Houston to spend the better part of a week with us! Eating with us, shooting with us, and seeing how truly and terribly we spoil our dog. We are so sad to see her head back to her home state of PA this afternoon. But we are so thrilled to know her, love her, and be a part of watching her grow as a photographer. Check out her website HERE, and then head on over to her Facebook page and give it a like!

Song of the Week: Son’s Gonna Rise by Citizen Cope. I’ve gone SOO old school lately. But with Son’s Gonna Rise, you really can’t go wrong. Truth be told, I just like singing “She my wifey in the middle of de-liv-er-y.” I’m so legit gangsta’ I can barely stand it.

I leave you with small peek of what’s to come this week. :) And now, I’m off to get my Cha-Cha Slide on. Then my Cupid Shuffle. Because I don’t know them, I’m a wedding photographer, and apparently Amber has some pretty boss dance moves.

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • April 12, 2011 - 11:01 AM

    jessica - love YOU and your love for your man;)…and your reliance on Jesus…both the real ONE and ONLY and your bear;) hehe…

  • April 12, 2011 - 11:16 AM

    Amber Jacoby - You’re pretty boss. Just saying. :)

  • April 12, 2011 - 11:54 AM

    Sarah - if you are including my hair in that comparison, known that I had a lot of extension in! I can’t tell you how much we enjoyed having you and Amber on Saturday.

  • April 12, 2011 - 11:55 AM

    Sarah - opps, didn’t finish my comment. Y’all fit right in with the girls getting ready and even helped with the process! You were fast and efficient and I am SO excited to see all of your work.

  • April 12, 2011 - 1:07 PM

    Jill Bogli - Ohmygosh. Cupid Shuffle is to die for. Love that song. Oh, and your Jesus Teddy.

  • April 12, 2011 - 2:04 PM

    Amy Murphy - Alyse, It was nice to finally meet you! I’ve been stalking your blog for a while now. You are amazing. I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures!!! ~Amy (Sarah’s sister)

  • April 12, 2011 - 2:12 PM

    Terri - I can picture your living room becoming a regular old dance floor w/Amber’s mean dancing ability. So excited to sit with her and catch up on your awesome week together! Thanks for taking care of her! Pretty sure you have some of the same blood in you..separated at birth???