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Tidbit Tuesday #81

This morning Dylan asked me why I was laughing at him last night. Propped up on my side, in the middle of the night, staring and laughing, as if making fun of him for sleeping… I told him he must have dreamt it, because there was no way I did that or WOULD do something so rotten. But he insists. Apparently I’m just a big bully with a case of somniloquy. Somniloquy… What kind of a completely awesome word is that?! But I digress.

I’m sure you’ve all seen this Dear Photograph site gone viral in the past few weeks. But just in case you haven’t, you MUST. As if the entire concept couldn’t be more amazing, the captions are what really say it all. SO looking forward to digging out an old picture when back home, and shooting some familiar scenes with Dear Photograph in mind. That’s if I can find any of myself. I’m the middle child, afterall. ;)

Last week, Dylan and I watched 127 Hours for the first (and only) time. It was incredibly well-written and well-played. But, while I chalk myself up to being someone who can watch surgery on TV without wincing, I simply CANNOT handle watching an actor cut his fake arm off. Heck, I could barely stand getting a shot yesterday… Even so, the covering of eyes and plugging of ears was all worth that beautiful ending. You should watch it!

There is something so invigorating about setting goals and writing them down. Over the weekend I did some hardcore reevaluating of my 101 in 1001 list, made in March of 2010. Needless to say, priorities can change a lot in a year’s time. So I’ve been slowly re-goaling my list, and I am soo excited. To dream. To do. And to share!! The new number 30 on the list reads “Beat EVERY level of Angry Birds!” A goal which I will be working toward today, in fact. Priorities!

Tomorrow marks one year of loving/living in Houston!! Having grown up in a town of 1,500 people, it continually amazes me how much a city of 2.1 MILLION people can still feel so much like home. Dylan and I are soo very thankful for all of the sweet relationships we’ve formed over this past year. With friends. With our church community. And with many of Houston’s 8,000 restaurants. :)

Song of the Week: Set Fire to the Rain. Can I highlight Adele again? I’m sorry.. I have to. I can’t get over her. And I don’t plan on it. Today I finally bought her entire album on iTunes rather than adding every one of her songs to my YouTube queue. Best. Decision. EVER.

Wedding season is definitely picking up again! So I’ll leave you with these two sneaks of what’s to come. The first – Becca and Chris’s Memorial Park engagement. And then, Angela and Kenny’s Bentwater Yacht Club wedding!! Both soo fun.


Happy Tuesday!

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  • June 28, 2011 - 1:56 PM

    Aimee - Adele is coming to Houston (well actually the Woodlands) in October. Tickets go on sell July 20th! I’m so excited! Also speaking on restaurants, Hello restaurant week (month) in August.

  • June 28, 2011 - 2:32 PM

    Noël - Nice Job!!!!!

  • June 28, 2011 - 8:51 PM

    Jess Z. - OHMYGOSH I am SO in love with Dear Photograph! It is going to consume my life… in a good way of course. Also, Adele. LOVE. FOR REAL.

  • June 29, 2011 - 11:13 AM

    Jae - Can I also recommend Matt Nathanson to you? He just came out with a new album (Modern Love) and it is just awesome to listen to. He’s my favourite artist and honestly does not disappoint – ever!