Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Announcing… Windsor Collective!!

If you’re a regular visitor of this little slice of Alyse French Photography we call our blog, then you know we’re all about sharing. Sharing favorite images. Sharing a love for all things sushi and Sully. And, basically, sharing life with you, our reader-friends. :)

Over the last two years, AFP has grown as both a business and a brand, having provided me full-time work and full-time income. In achieving these milestones once thought to be much further off, we’ve learned a few things along the way. About what’s worked. What hasn’t worked. And what’s in store for the future.

Dylan and I are crazy excited to introduce to you our newest venture and extension of the AFP brand – a blog focused on the ins and outs of how we do business – Windsor Collective. Spearheaded and written by Dylan (the brains of the family), with occasional guest posts by yours truly, Windsor Collective will strive to bring sharing to a whole new level. We’ll talk about our goals. Our marketing strategy. Our pricing strategy. Even our bow-tying strategy. Okay, that last one is a stretch, but it would certainly TIE in well with WC’s old-school professor vibe. :) And yes, with that pun, it’s safe to say I am turning into my mother…

Without further ado, we invite you to check out and subscribe to Windsor Collective! While you’re at it, be sure to like our Facebook page and follow our Twitter handle @Windsor_Collect. Oh, and a final and very special thank you to our dear friends Alicia, Kat, Donnell, Megan, Char, and Kristin for their insight and feedback in previewing this no-longer-ambiguous project! XOXO!!!


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