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Tidbit Tuesday #83

Last night he brought it up again. You know.. How I always take up the entire bed. How I leave him with about two feet of sleep-space on our king-sized mattress. Well, Internet, let the blog records show that this is NOT true. I mean, it is.. But it really isn’t. “I just like to be close to you!” I said. “I’m not stopping you from taking ownership of YOUR side.” Dylan then went on to call me an angry sleeper because I move constantly and violently throw my pillow off the bed in the middle of the night. (It’s true. I HATE sleeping with pillows. I just can’t do it.) And then I realized he had a point. Not a very good point. But a point. :)

And while we’re talking quirks, I just have to stop and touch everything I see while at the grocery store. Well, everything I see that interests me at least. And yes, that includes the packaged rotisserie chickens. I can never make it past that aisle.. (I once ate a whole one by myself. But that’s an entirely different blog post that will never see the light of day.) Anyway! During our latest visit to Randalls, the latest issue of Martha Stewart Living caught my eye, and in an instant I was all over it. Dylan said “You should just subscribe to it!” which I now have! Along with every other Martha Stewart magazine in existence. Which was the real purpose of this tidbit. :) Anyone have any must-have home decor/lifestyle subscriptions to share? is one of our favorite sites to get the goods on new trends and awesome new business ideas. And one of yesterday’s post in particular has kept me in awe ever since reading it: Wise Words with Hart Main. This 13-year-old kid is making moves and making a difference! Let me repeat… He’s THIRTEEN. You can read all about him and his Man-Can business right HERE. We’ve already ordered ‘camp fire,’ ‘coffee,’ and ‘grandpa’s pipe!’

The World Cup blew my MIND this weekend. (Hope Solo and Abby Wambach, your friendship bracelets just went out in the mail…) Beside the obvious fact that the game was in.cred.ible, it totally brought me back to my AYSO playing days. A few highlights: LOVING when I’d be assigned as goalie so I could sing and dance at the end of the field in my own little world, because let’s face it, the ball never came near me; being tuuurrified for headbutting drills; the orange slices – OHHH, the orange slices; and making a goal simply by yelling at a girl on the other team to “STOP IT!!” It’s funny how vividly I remember that moment. But it’s probably because I was shocked I could be so intimidating and make all the people on the sidelines (for BOTH teams) start laughing so loud.

Song(s) of the Week: Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People, and Cosmic Love by Florence & The Machine. I seriously just couldn’t decide this week. Both of these songs are constantly stuck in my head. Which is not to say, however, that I know any of the actual words… I just sing a lot of unintelligible noises instead. And still sound awesome doing so. ;) Get the MP3’s HERE and HERE, and watch the videos HERE and HERE!!

I have some super exciting shoots coming up in just a bit, but for now, I’ll leave you with this. Alyse, the 8-year-old soccer diva. :)

Happy Tuesday!!!

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  • July 13, 2011 - 12:44 PM

    Kristin Nicole - I am loving the taking up the bed thing…and I have used the “I just want to be close to you line” Now that I am pregnant I also have a body pillow which is the size of another person…poor Jeremy

  • July 21, 2011 - 2:36 PM

    Courtney - I was witness to the chicken eating incident; they always did catch your attention… =]