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Tidbit Tuesday #88

Eighty-eight?! Eighty. Eight… Every Tuesday that passes in this bloggy-blog world brings with it a certain degree of shock that Tidbit Tuesday has been running this long. Like.. 88 is just 12 short of 100!! We are now about a year and a half deep in this little blogging venture full of all the random nonsense I constantly question whether anyone wants to read. But the beauty is, I can look back on SO many different experiences and thoughts I would have never otherwise remembered. Not to mention, it gives my Tuesdays a real purpose, when everyone knows nothing awesome happens on Tuesdays… :)

This past weekend my friend Pam and I went to see Glee 3D. And let me tell you, although 3D has the propensity to totally SCREW me up when coupled with the wonder of IMAX, good ol’, regular, plain 3D just blows me away. I could see a bruise on Lea Michele’s calf for goodness sake! IN THREE-DEE!!

It’s haaappening, people. Haaa-ppen-ing! My parents are making the treck (AKA, flight) out to Houston next month! But do you want to hear the best part? I will be able to see my family for 11 days straight! The first first four will most likely be spent taking my sister (visiting just before my parents) to every single restaurant in town. On the fifth day, both Lorae and I will be flying back to her new home in Colorado, where our parents will meet us! Two and half days in CO, and then my parents and I will fly back to Houston for three more days of awesomeness. We’ve already bought a new air mattress for the occasion, and I’ve wholeheartedly committed to dusting this place at leeeast once within the next 38 days. ;)

Last week I was told that I may have developed a slight southern accent. It made me feel so legit that I even let out a few y’all’s at Friday’s wedding and for the first time I don’t think anybody was the wiser… Unlike a couple of weekends before, when a group of groomsmen insisted I must be from Canada. I am obviously very perplexed as to where I come from. A quarter-life crisis, if you will…

Today’s to-do list involves cleaning like a fiend (my productivity shoots WAY up after a thorough cleanse), replacing the wine I had intended to use for THIS recipe but instead drank completely, purchasing my fair share of new (and smaller!) wedding photographerish black pants, and praying to God that I can finally find some comfy shoes to shoot in that aren’t crazily hideous like the ones I wear now. So photogs! Have any favorite brands of shoe (or pants for that matter) that work well for eight hours of wear? Hit me UP! (Oh, and when all is said and done, I’m totally getting some new pumps as a reward. For something…)

Song of the Week: On The Floor by Jennifer Lopez. (You can feel free to laugh riiight about… NOW.) I’m not saying this is one of my faves by any means. But it is one of the few songs I hear on a weekly basis at weddings that makes it totally hard to not bust out moves all over the place. Plus it’s been stuck in my head since last Friday. Along with Footloose, Don’t Stop Believin’ and every shuffle/slide known to man. :)

And here’s a tiny peek at the blog posts coming your way this week… First up, Kelly’s bridals! Which I can now show you after posting her wedding last Saturday! And then Ali and Ben’s beautiful Agave Road wedding, which you will NOT want to miss!! Love, love, LOVE!!

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • August 16, 2011 - 7:55 AM

    Riley Woods - I wear sketchers for work and they’re really good for long shooting days since they’re basically sneakers that look like work shoes

  • August 16, 2011 - 8:58 AM

    Pam - Ack love that fourth picture! It looks so natural & just darn LOVEly! You are great at capturing beautiful moments!

  • August 16, 2011 - 10:31 AM

    Kathleen Clipper - I wear the most adorable pair of Tahari flats and they are the comfiest! In fact, I’ve yet to meet a Tahari shoe that didn’t feel amazing on my feet :-)

  • August 16, 2011 - 11:16 AM

    jae - i have yet to buy a pair in black, but i’ve heard black toms can be disguised as dressier shoes, and they’re comfortable to boot (i wear brown ones to shoot casual portraits, and i haven’t been in pain yet!). and hush puppies (donno if they got ’em in the states, but i figure they do) are pretty comfortable too…if you can find something that doesn’t look granny-ish :D