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Tidbit Tuesday #97

Life has been completely chaotic lately. With computers whose Airports refuse to let you online. With three trips to the Genius Bar in the span of twelve days. With a wedding schedule that gets more and more busy by the week. With a home that gets more and more messy by the hour. And yet? Life has been SOO good lately. And I am left in complete thankfulness and awe that God has chosen to bless us in the ways He has. Our church, our friends, our clients, our baby dog, our proximity to the best chocolate milkshakes you could ever hope to enjoy… They are all amaaazing. And I am THANKFUL!!

Once upon a time, Dylan bet me I wouldn’t chop off about a foot of my hair, and just like that I was all out to prove him wrong. I had talked of making a drastic change for a while, but he never thought I’d go through with it. SO I DID. And though I liked my new ‘do for about three days… I was over it in four. A year later, most of those inches have grown back and I am in desperate need of a cut. Maybe a quarter-centimeter with some layers. ;) And today’s the day. At 4PM.

OH. EM. GEE. Our sweet friends Lindsay and José got married this past weekend and we attended as GUESTS!! It was probably and seriously one of the most fun nights of my life, on account of INSANE lobster bisque, amazing cake (of which I ate not one, but TWO pieces), and dancing my feet off in heels that were likely much too high for a flat-footed, 5’9″ girl like myself. So who else wants to invite us as guests?! I promise we are a ton of fun! :)

It has come to my attention that Halloween is next week, and Sully does NOT have a costume. But the good news is that after doing a small bit of research, there are maaany options. I for one believe he should dress up as a turtle. I’ve always wanted a turtle, but the fact that they carry salmonella has always creeped me out. This would clearly be the best of both worlds. But dang it, I’ve always wanted a pet triceratops AND a pet elephant too… ;) Decisions, decisions!!

Song of the Week: It’s a toss-up between Take Heart by Hillsong and Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5. Strangest combo ever? Maybe. But I simply can’t get enough of them. (Just ask my Facebook friends who are forced to see that I’m listening to one and then the other via Spotify all day, every day…) And actually, I have no idea how to describe either of these songs in the same sentence. So you’ll just have to listen. :) Hear Take Heart HERE and Moves Like Jagger HERE.

Ahh, I am way too excited to share this week’s images with you!! Look out for Danielle and Garrett’s Oak Tree Manor wedding tomorrow, and then Lindsey and Connor’s Hermann Park engagement on Friday. :) Both of these couples are all sorts of fabulous and lovely.

Happy Tuesday!!

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