Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Tidbit Tuesday #110

There I was, wondering why on earth my morning breath was SO terrible… When I realized! Last night, as like the night before, I created a concoction of whatever ingredients I could find in my fridge. On Sunday night, I sautéed Monterey mushrooms with olive oil, garlic, onions, capers, heavy cream, and TONS of salt and pepper. And it was DIVINE. So last night I was similarly inspired and cooked up a whole onion as if it were a bowl of spaghetti. LOVE me some onion! Onion, heavy cream, salt and pepper. Is that gross? Whatever. If onion ‘sghetti is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Bad breath and all.

There’s a pretty killer giveaway going on this month for 1 For Me // 1 For You.. I mean, WHO could pass up the opportunity to win a $50 gift card from It’s only the COOLEST and most addictive shopping site known to females worldwide! Entering is super easy, too. Just hit up their site HERE and then come back to THIS post (not this post, literally, but THIS post) to let us know which item or items you’d most love to snag with your moolah. :)

I’ve been transformed. Into a germophobe. And it’s not exactly pretty… You see, I’ve vowed to NEVER catch a virus again. And if I want that to happen, I’ve got to find new and creative ways to open doors. Turn off faucets. Flush toilets. You know the drill.. So I bet you could imagine my shock and horror seeing player after player after playing MAKING OUT with that nasty-dirty Super Bowl trophy making its way through the crowd on Sunday. Forgive them, LORD, for they know NOT what they do, or what lovely new sicknesses they’ve caught and will subsequently spread to all of their loved ones!!

I got an IPHONE this week!!!!! And all at once all seems right in the world. I seriously cannot go more than 10 minutes without looking at it longingly, cleaning its screen, or asking Siri to be my best friend forever. To which she replies, “No comment.” Thanks, Siri.. SO! What are the latest and greatest apps I should be taking advantage of? I mean, other than Songify. Because we all know how legit I sound with auto-tune.

Song of the Week: Smooth Criminal by 2Cellos. Ever since the Michael Jackson episode on Glee last week, I feel as if I’ve been discovering MJ for the first time, EVER. And I’ve got to say, I’m pretty convinced that Smooth Criminal is my FAVORITE MJ song of all time. But then, you add 2Cellos into the mix, and it suddenly becomes my FAVORITE-FAVORITE. You muuust check out the musical genius that is 2Cellos by clicking HERE!

I’ll leave you with a sneak peek of our first wedding of the 2012 season! Emily and Rob were hitched this past Friday at Ashton Gardens, and it was a beautiful, beeeautiful day I’ll be sharing on the blog soon. Until then, enjoy this little sneak. It makes me smile. :)

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • February 7, 2012 - 11:26 AM

    Lindsay H - Eep…I hope I didn’t spread a virus to you on Saturday! I tried to be sly with my hand sanitizer under the table and no double-dipping, haha. I have such a hard time being sick b/c I don’t like to think I can’t do everything I would do if I was healthy. It’s bad, sickness is a rough thing to be stubborn with. Sorry!

  • February 8, 2012 - 5:32 AM

    Jessica - Starbucks app. I just get a kick out of being able to pay for my coffee with a barcode on iPhone’s screen. Amazing! Also, I turned into THAT girl reading her Bible on her iPhone this past Sunday at church… Enjoy it!

  • February 11, 2012 - 10:10 AM

    Emily wiles - Enough of the sneak previews!!!!

  • February 14, 2012 - 12:03 PM

    Tidbit Tuesday #111 | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] engagement session downtown, and on Friday comes Emily and Rob’s big day (see the sneak in last Tuesday’s post)!! Aren’t these two […]