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Tidbit Tuesday #111

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! I’m not going to lie. I’m a little more than bothered by my lack of knowledge as to the proper grammar/capitalization of that phrase. But let’s just go with it! This morning, I was G-Chatted some Valentine’s wishes from my man while he’s away, and was told to search our room for my hidden gift. It was found in the last (and most obvious) place I looked. And I was veeery pleasantly surprised by enough Fun Dip to last me a lifetime, chocolate dipped pretzel sticks, a box of Tangled Valentine’s cards with Tangled tattoos (for the Disney princess inside of me), and the most lovely gift of all, 3.4 ounces of love in a bottle, also known as Coco Chanel Mademoiselle. After getting the inevitable question out of the way, “Did you get this for me because you think I smell bad?!” I must say, I’m having a pretty sweet Valentine’s morning. Hoping yours is just as lovely!! :)

Who watched the Grammy’s on Sunday?! And who thought is was AMAAAZING?! I definitely did. I’m a sucker for awards shows. Mostly for the pretty dresses… But when it comes to the Grammy’s, I’m just happy to see any REAL musicians get recognized for their work. When Bon Iver won, when the Foo Fighters gave their acceptance speech, when J-Hud sang that incredible tribute to Whitney, and when Adele won SIX Grammy’s? I was in heaven. But Sully? Not so much. Every time I spazzed out and clapped he acted as though someone were attacking me. Don’t you worry your undersized head, tiny dog!

I’ve become obsessed. With keeping a clean home. It’s the best feeling in the WORLD to wake up each morning and know you won’t be greeted by piles of scrap paper, dirty clothes, or day-old food on your coffee table. Seriously folks, I KNOW how to be messy. But for about three weeks now (a record!!) our apartment has been pretty close to spotless. I also have a new rule that’s helping me keep it that way: Never leave a room empty-handed! There is ALWAYS a glass that needs to go in the sink, or a pair of shoes that should go back in the closet. BAM. I’m like an adult now or something. A CLEAN one!!

Song of the Week: Paradise by Coldplay. I don’t care what anyone says, Coldplay’s performance at the Grammy’s was perfection. Absolute, perfect perfection. And I’m so glad it was, because it was the first time I heard this song! Truth be told, Coldplay is the only band whose songs (meaning, every single one of them) can sound exactly the same and I DON’T mind. Because I love them. And I always will. Listen to para-(para, para)-dise HERE!!

I’ve got a LOT coming to the blog in the next few weeks as wedding season takes on more speed. Tomorrow comes Candice and Chris’s adooorable engagement session downtown, and on Friday comes Emily and Rob’s big day (see the sneak in last Tuesday’s post)!! Aren’t these two sweet?!

Happy Tuesday!!

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