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Tidbit Tuesday #117

There are some Tuesdays when I sit at my desk with my hands at the keys and realize, “I have absolutely nothing to say.” This past week has surely been nuts (for some exciting reasons we aren’t yet sharing), but everything else? Those tiny little mundane details of life? Well, sometimes they don’t seem tidbit-worthy at all. And then Dylan comes to my rescue and says, “Tell them about your Michael Jackson dream!” So I shall…

In said dream, we bought a house. A house with another house directly behind it.. And one fine afternoon, as I was looking out our living room window, I saw our backyard neighbor mowing his lawn. He had ghostly-pale skin, curly black hair, a pointy nose, and was wearing dark sunglasses, white gloves and a three piece purple suit. It was FREAKING Michael Jackson, people. He was ALIVE. And that very same second, we were initiated into the witness protection program. Because no one was to know he was actually alive after all. (It was awesome.)

Last week my dad found a letter of apology I wrote to my grandparents as a kid. It went like this, horrible grammar and all: “Dear Popere, Momere. I did something really bad and This is what I did. There was a saw on your tabel were the t.V. and jacuzzi is and there was already dents in the tabel. So I picked up the saw up and scenc there was already dents in the tabel because of the saw I thought that if I poot a dent on one of the dent that you would not notis and I did it and it moved over to the other side so I made a other dent. I am so Sorry that I was so so so so mean and bad well at least I am telling the truth. I thought if I just had told you then the next time that I come over that you would yell at me or be mad at me. Please forgive me and I am realy sorry and I think the saw was Marks if you see him tell him that I didn’t get hurt and tell him I’m sorry. Love XOXO Alyse french” Rotten kid. :)

Song of the Week: Us Against the World by Coldplay. Ever since this song played during the last scene in the most AMAZING episode of One Tree Hill EVER, I have been hooked. It just makes me smile and never ever stop. Listen to it HERE. Oh! And while you’re at it, please enjoy this absolutely PERFECT music video of another Coldplay favorite. There’s just something about a lead singer dressed up as an elephant, no??

Kaley and I shot Kira and Shaun’s faaabulous wedding day this weekend and it was completely magical. Here is a sneak peek of one of my favorite shots thus far! (We shot A LOT!!) More to come. :)

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • March 27, 2012 - 11:29 AM

    Hayley Hughes - A Michael Jackson dream? Ah! My friend believes that he’s not really dead and is planning a final world comeback tour! It could happen.

  • March 27, 2012 - 11:58 AM

    Brooke Schultz - Oh my gosh, that note is priceless. Hahah.

  • March 28, 2012 - 2:10 PM

    Martha Swann - I SO wish I had known child-Alyse. She sounds like fun ;) hahahaha