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Tidbit Tuesday #119

You know when you go to bed relatively early? Say, 11PM? And then you wake up at 1AM SWEARING you’ve already slept for eight hours? That was last night. And while I’d usually be stoked to continue sleeping for seven more hours, I was actually a little frustrated I couldn’t just start the day already. Gosh Alyse… Ya can’t have everything, you know! ;) And it SURE beats waking up an hour before you need to. This much is true!

Last week I fiiinally went to the doctor. As a recovering hypochondriac, I count every month that goes by without at least ONE doctor’s appointment a success worth celebrating. For the past two months, I’ve experienced what I can only explain as a very sharp and pointy stick stabbing me in the back whenever I tilted my head. Turns out though, all I needed was Aleve. You know.. The stuff 70-year-olds take for arthritis? It’s doing WONDERS for inflammation. Most likely brought on by heavy equipment and HORRIBLE posture at my couch desk everyday.

I’ve been pretty impulsive lately. (Not so unusual.) I’m specifically talking about funfetti cupcakes and avocados. Not together, of course, but on their own? Yes! Last Thursday, in the span of an hour, I had a hankering for cupcakes, went to the store for ingredients, came home, made them up all yummy, and ate four or five. And avocados? Let’s just say I made a special trip to the grocery store this morning, and one is already in my tummy.

This weekend, Dylan and I watched a documentary about exotic animals being kept as pets in American households. Simply put, “The Elephant in the Living Room” was freaking awesome. As well as terribly sad… But definitely awesome. You should ALL watch it! And I know it should have deterred me from wanting a pet lion. But I think it made me want one even MORE. I’d name him Aslan. Duh. :)

Song of the Week: Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men. This song PUMPS me up with its old-school trumpet lovin’ and sweet lyrics. Plus, it’s another one introduced to me by a guy with the best musical taste I know – Dylan Morrissey, ladies and gentlemen. You need to listen to it. Promise! Add it to your Spotify HERE.

Dylan and I shot another lovely wedding at The Gardens of Bammel Lane on Saturday. Until we can share more, here’s one of my favorite shots! More to follow from Sarah and Michael’s big day soon…

Happy Tuesday!

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  • April 10, 2012 - 12:00 PM

    Kendra - Only because you specified Funfetti…the other day I came home and thought to myself, “today wasn’t very fun, I need to do something fun…What’s more fun then funfetti?!?!?” Proceeded to make funfetti cupcakes BEFORE Dinner. Fabulous.