Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Tidbit Tuesday #126

Tuesday is the new Monday, and I’m so tired I almost got in – not one – but TWO car accidents this morning. I’m also a vision in my dog hair covered yoga pants which have coincidentally NEVER been used for yoga. Not to mention my fabulous bed head. But I’m ready to take on this week with gusto! After all, I just scheduled out the next two weeks of my life down to the very last details. And today? Is all about finishing a project that’s been MONTHS in the making. I know, I know. Secrets don’t make friends. But you’ll just have to forgive me… ;)

Yesterday was declared “apartment-purging day” in these here parts. I would love to live with about half the stuff we currently have. You know… Put all those articles and factoids from Real Simple Magazine into practice. But GOSH, it’s so hard! I do these purges every few months you see. But for some reason this time around I simply couldn’t part ways with much. Perhaps we’re finally at the proper amount of stuff? But that CAN’T be it. Because honestly, I SHOULDN’T be holding onto my student hand book from my FRESHMAN year in college anymore…

Instead of barbecuing for Memorial Day weekend, Dylan and I made a trip to grocery store heaven. That is, the new H-E-B on Montrose. We came home with pre-seasoned (and DELICIOUS) salmon, bacon-wrapped jalapeños, cheese puffs (which Sully LOVED), beer, brie, dippin’ dots, and an apple pie. Oh, and frozen yogurt and crackers. AND EVERYTHING’S GONE. Eaten. Digested.. I’m half-embarrassed/half-wildly proud of our accomplishment.

Song of the Week: Mean by Taylor Swift. I was fully prepared to highlight the “It dooon’t matter if it’s raining. Nothing can phaaase me. I make my own suuunshine” song from that Lowe’s commercial, but I have to admit that Mean is just as wonderful and is CONSTANTLY stuck in my head these days. Every time I hear it, I picture Kanye West crying in a corner. Which is awesomely entertaining… Listen to it HERE on Spotify! :)

We shot over 4,000 images at Saturday’s wedding between Dylan and myself. This is UNHEARD of. We’re thinking it’s because of ALL the beauty ev-er-y-where. We’ll be blogging Kelly and Martin’s big day next week, but until then I just can’t resist showing you this shot of Kelly. Isn’t she a stunner?!

Happy Tuesday!!

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