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Tidbit Tuesday #131

When I was a kid – maybe 12 years old… My favorite show of all time was The Facts of Life. I was ob-SESSED with Jo Polniaczek – all my online passwords were “BikingJo” – and when Nick at Nite played reruns into the wee hours of the morning, I’d sit with my ear directly on the TV – the volume on ONE – thereby convincing my parents I’d actually adhered to my bedtime. All of this is of course to say: our new cable provider lets me watch as many episodes of Mrs. Garrett, Blair, Natalie, Tootie, and Jo as I could EVER want. And as horrendous as I now realize this show is, I still can’t help but love it to pieces. Even when Dylan just sits there wholly unamused. :)

This past weekend I made a pretty significant dent in a project that’s been on my to-do list for about two years now. I wanted to turn THIS into THIS. Two of them, actually. These Rast side tables had been sitting beside our bed completely unfinished in all their fuzzy-pine glory. And I was sick of it. I am still a few washers short of securing the hardware and a couple coats of poly away from an altogether finished product, but I CANNOT tell you how amazed I am at this before and after! I’m hoping to share one space in our new home at a time on this blog – as each gets its finishing touches. So be on the lookout for more projects here and there!

I took Sully to the vet this morning for a checkup on his ears. The poor kid has the worst allergies – which tend to lead to ear infections. BUT, the good news is that between today and Sully’s last doctor’s visit two weeks ago, he’s lost 1.4 pounds! That is a LOT for a bulldog to lose in 13 days. And I’m fully confident our new stairs are responsible. Sully FLIES up those 18 steps like no THANG. (Okay, that’s a semi-lie… He often runs half-way up. And then slowly crawls up the rest of the stairs out of pure exhaustion.) I believe we shall see a six-pack forming in no time. Because I swear to you – they are THERE. Under a few more layers of fat. ;)

Song of the Week: Let’s Stay Together by Al Green. Dylan’s had this song stuck in his head for daaays. And now it’s in mine. But I surely can’t complain… It can’t help but make me smile. And laugh my head off that I’ve once again confused Al Green with Keith Green. They are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PEOPLE, Alyse!!

And because a blogpost is just silly without pictures, and I’ve been an Instagram FIEND lately, here’s a strangely-sized collage of this past week. But I’ve got to warn you – it’s mostly Sully. I mean, duh…

Happy Tuesday!!

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