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Tidbit Tuesday #137

At the beginning of next month, Dylan and I will be *attempting* to complete the 60-day Insanity workout regimen. I’m both scared out of my MIND, and totally excited. But the real issue might be my perfectionism. Like, seriously. If I can’t accurately execute a push-up (believe me, I cannot), I’m not sure I’ll make it. But more than anything I just want to be HEALTHY. And if this is going to get me there, then I have to try. So, who’s done it?! Is it awesome? Does it work? Will I vomit during my first workout? Pleeease say it ain’t SO…

I may not respond to random Facebook game requests or pleas for more burger bucks (pulled that one out of thin air), sheep or what have you, BUT I can’t help but “like” every single one of the images/statuses/posts on the Dogbook fan page. I was never much of a dog-person before getting Sully, but now I wish I could care for about 17 more. Dogbook is my fix. Most notable posts? This, this, this, and THIS. Oh, be STILL my heart!!

He calls it “trash mountain.” Referring, of course, to the pile of junk by my side at all times.. Working from home will do this to you, you see. Even right now as I sit on the couch, there is a scarf, a hot-pink tape measurer, three USB cables, a card reader, an emptied pack of gum, a handbag, keys, a plate, a bowl, and a couple of spoons sharing the space with me. Clearly I have veered off my cleaning schedule. Heck, I have yet to unpack from NY or NH. “I want MY house to look like ALYSE’S house,” said no one ever! It’s not pretty…

Song of the Week: As Long as You Love Me by Justin Bieber. Haters gonna hate, but I. LOVE. THIS. SONG. It started playing in the car yesterday when Dylan asked, “How do you know this song and I don’t?!” Well, Internet… What I didn’t tell him was how I set my Spotify to “private session” a week or so ago in order to learn this ditty by heart. And now you know. :) You’ve just got to EMBRACE the fever, y’all.

By the end of the week, I hope to blog the wedding of our dear friends Steph and Nate. They were married in NH on the 12th, and it couldn’t have been a more emotional, SWEET day. Here’s a sneak peek until further notice. :)

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • August 21, 2012 - 12:46 PM

    Jae - doggies!!! i have always loved dogs, and since getting my own, i’m just more obsessed than i was before. and this website, i think it’ll make you laugh – – it’s hilarious. especially since i think it’s a bulldog. excited to see how insanity works out for you – i know some people who are doing it right now. they said the hardest thing is the eating – portion control is the most important!

  • September 10, 2012 - 1:50 PM

    Michelle - Good luck with insanity! It is awesome! I have done it multiple times and it definitely helped me lose like 15 + lbs! I still do it occasionally because it is just such a great workout! Just realized this post is from a few weeks ago lol so I hope it is going well!
    : D