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Tidbit Tuesday #147

It’s that time of year again, friends… Half-Christmas is just 39 days away!! Before we moved to our first house, decorating the apartment for Christmas just seemed like a waste of time. It was WAY too small for a tree. But this year, we have a pre-lit eight-and-a-half-footer already set up and decorated all Martha Stewart like. AND?! I’m done Christmas shopping. Well, apart from my brother, his girlfriend, Dylan’s stocking, and toys for Sully. :) Daaayung. Does it feel GOOD. Half-Christmas morning in the Morrissey household will be all about new curtains, cozy duvets, and tchotchke, tchotchke, tchotchke! That is, if the husband is actually reading this… ;)

On Saturday, we will shoot our 26th and final wedding of the year. I can’t even tell you how excited I am to wrap this season and spend a good two months regrouping and focusing on things I wouldn’t otherwise make the time for. Mind you, the LAST time I said this, I came down with bronchitis for three weeks, lost my voice for LITERALLY a month, and burned my legs with boiling hot water – all of which incapacitated me. But this off-season? I WILL stay healthy. I’ll also (Dylan-willing) paint the living room. And finally share pictures!

Hey! Have you seen November’s 1 For Me // 1 For You post? It’s pretty awesome if I do say so myself… And I am LOVING all of these Instagram entries making my phone buzz. Get in on the action by reading THIS. What are YOU thankful for?! (I, for one, am thankful for the ability to use capital letters for impact…) ;)

Song of the Week: Ho Hey by The Lumineers. If you know me well, then you’ll know I can sing along to just about any TV jingle or song ever written. Well then, it should come as no surprise that I first heard this song on a commercial for Bing. I’m SO glad I did. Because it is definitely my new favorite. Give it a listen!!

Tomorrow I’m blogging my favorite images from Anna and Ben’s wedding in The Woodlands! These two are the sah-weet-est people in existence. So pumped to share. But until then, here’s a pretty sneak peek…

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • November 7, 2012 - 3:46 PM

    jaqueline faria - Love your blog Alysa. I’ve been reading it off an on for a while now, and your photos are gorgeous. I like you am all ready for christmas to arrive, though I don’t have my tree quite yet.