Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Simple Things

Today is beautiful. Hurricane Don is on his way to Corpus Christi, so Houston’s skies are dark and overcast. All the blinds are closed, and the only light I see comes from my computer screen and the candles flickering on the dining room table. I’m wearing Dylan’s shirt. I’ve worn his shirts for the past three days. They are his and I love them. Plus I’m bad at doing laundry. ;) Ray LaMontagne is singing “Hold You In My Arms” and Sully is warming my feet while laying in his favorite place in our whole home. Right underneath my desk. I’ve been productive enough today to last about three days. The rush a photographer gets from getting caught up on editing, mailing out discs, and updating insurance policies is unreal. Oh, and lest I forget – THE HOUSE IS CLEAN. Cuh-lean. Clean. If you’ve ever wanted to pay us a visit, now would be the best time..

I wasn’t planning on blogging today. But I just needed to write this down. It’s the simple things. And today, I am so thankful…

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