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Tidbit Tuesday #92

This edition of Tidbit Tuesday comes to you from the floor of our entryway. Because at 9:24AM, I’ve already had enough of Sully’s BEGGING me to play. Turns out all he really wants is for me to sit on the floor next to him so he can rub his slobber-covered toy all over my arms and feet…

Last week I made a pie. A peach pie. And just as all of my adventures in cooking/baking go down, it was nearly disastrous. Nearly.. I decided to take the lazy professional way out and blanch about 20 peaches to remove their skins as opposed to pealing them. But the two pies I’d wanted to make quickly turned into ONE pie, because I’d over-blanched 11 peaches. I.e., their skins turned the color of mold, and all flavor was sucked out in the process. E-LEV-EN peaches, people. Eleven. As you could imagine, I was terribly distraught. So I was sure to make the solitary pie left totally awesome. Or at least pretty. :)

I am happy to report that I have survived the last five days without a cellular device! Okay, it’s not exactly a happy thing. But, I am actually quite impressed by how well I am handling my Blackberry refusing to turn on. I could totally live in a hut in the middle of the woods. Riiight?!

One of the things I love most about Dylan, and one of the very things that first had me falling in love with him, is how much of a reader he is. He reads about a book and a half per week. And I? Read blogs… Very recently, Dylan finished reading The Help. And I’ve been all sorts of “Oh, I’m TOTALLY going to read it too!” But then we saw it in theaters. And I LOVED it. Actually… I FREAKING loved it. Dylan loved it too, but the entire ride home was spent telling me all of the ways in which the movie didn’t line up with the book. And so I’ve decided, whichever adaptation you read/watch first? THAT will be your favorite. No matter what. If I read The Help now, it could pale in comparison to the movie. And I’m just not ready for that yet…

Have you seen September’s 1 For Me // 1 For You yet? It’s running a week later than usual due to our recent trip to PA, but we’re hoping to have made up for it by giving away a canvas! Entering is SUPER easy. Visit THIS post and answer the question at the end in the comment section. Easy peasy canvas squeezy!!

Song of the Week: Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. Yes, yes I know… I just wrapped up a G-chat conversation with Dylan asking if having Party Rock Anthem as my song of the week was just too ridiculous to admit. But it’s true. This song has gotten me through one amazingly stressful week. Because I can’t help but get my shuffle on whenever it plays for the billion-and-17th time. And dancing your way through your work day is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

This week is going to be PACKED with posts. Namely, one, two, maybe even three parts of a wedding we hold so dear to our hearts. That of Josh and Jenn, our brother and newly-minted sister-in-law!! Here’s one of my faaavorite shots so far, and there are about 70 more. Yeah, I’m totally not kidding. :)

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • September 13, 2011 - 10:51 AM

    Noël - Awesome can’t wait for more!!!