Alyse French | Fine Art Portrait Photographer | Houston, TX »

Tidbit Tuesday #135

I love this city with all my heart. And I feel it more and more with every trip I take away from Houston. I’ve just returned after a twelve-day stay in NY… And although my trip was amazing (filled to the brim with visits of old friends, momma’s home cooking, and running into a bobcat while shooting mini-sessions) my home is in TX. With my smelly little dog and my sweet, incredibly hott man. I am a happy, happy girl with a full heart!

I’m a planner – as much as Dylan would probably disagree with that statement – so when I travel, I travel with intention. As in, I intend to not get hit on by old (or young) men while trying to sit in my plane seat and just BE LEFT ALONE. This means no makeup, no deodorant (I don’t typically sweat, but I am addicted to/obsessed with deodorant), and ugly (if not pre-worn) clothes. And what do you know? It totally worked. ;)

Since being home, I’ve been catching up on trashy television. (After all, my time in NY was for getting down to BIDNESS!) This means fiiinally watching the season finale of The Bachelorette. This season is the first ever that I’ve watched (most of the episodes anyway) and I feel perfectly confident in admitting it to the world. I wasn’t a Jef-with-one-F kinda girl until seeing the finale. But now? It’s like DUH. Emily and Jef’s hair belong together!!

Song of the Week: Love Song For A Savior by Jars of Clay. I’m positive I’ve mentioned this song before, but this week, I’ve been digging a remix that has stolen my heart. It is the best song ever written. I know I say that a LOT. But I mean it! And with how much I’ve been realizing God’s goodness lately, this song is the cry of my heart…

I have SO many incredible shoots to share with you this week and next! I’m talking a wedding, six mini-sessions, a promo session, some photobooth craziness, and not one, but TWO fabulously lovely bridal showers that came together with the help of so many. Speaking of? Here’s a sneak peek. There is much, much more to follow!

Happy Tuesday!!

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  • July 31, 2012 - 9:49 PM

    Adrienne - Oh my goodness I felt the same way about Jef… except he got me at the puppet date and when he said no to the overnight!